Please explain to me why Jeff would be calling my mom 2 months later? Are the articles and news reports not bad enough? Please just leave me alone Jeff Schwilk! Move on with your life! You have far too many other problems to deal with that are much more important.
How about closing the border instead of turning the SDMM site in to a gossip column for starters?
Friday, March 30, 2007
Jeff Schwilk recruits my mom!
Posted by
Russ Dove
10:41 PM
Mayor Sanders adresses San Diego Part 1 of 2
Did he really just say that? I'm not going to tell you, you'll have to watch! With all the corruption going on in the city, he gave their victims some really important information! Pass this on to anyone who has been violated by the San Diego Police Department!
Be sure to watch part 2 where La Raza rights coalition and American Friends Services Committee makes the mayor take a stance!
Posted by
Russ Dove
11:19 AM
4 Americans Stand Up In Tucson Arizona and Say No More pt1
Jeff Berkholder speaks about the growth of a "hate group" here in Tucson, Arizona and its leader Isabel Garcia. Roy Warden instructs the Tucson City Council to compel the Tucson Police to protect our Constitutional Right to Free Speech or we will use our Second Amendment Right to protect this Right ourselves. This testimony entered into the record March 27, 2007 at the Tucson City Council weekly meeting in Public Comments.
Posted by
Russ Dove
9:06 AM
4 Americans Stand Up In Tucson Arizona and Say No More pt2
Russ Dove points out to the Council the transparence of their appeasement of the invasion/occupation force here in Tucson. How the occupying youth asserted deadly force against him on Monday March 26, 2007 that damaged personal property and no one in authority would do anything about it. If the law will not protect his Rights, who will? Joe Sweeney points out to the Council it's legal and ethical responsibility to protect the Right's of Americans in America's Cities. This testimony entered into the record March 27, 2007 at the Tucson City Council weekly meeting in Public Comments.
Posted by
Russ Dove
9:03 AM
03-26-07 Tucson KVOA4 Files A False Report On Today's Event
These little mini-terrorists attack us and not the other way around. They followed me to my car and put a big ol-dent in the right front fender when the hurled a golf ball size rock at my car.
Posted by
Russ Dove
9:02 AM
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona pt1
This is our third week and those who claim this land as theirs were not happy. Watch as Americans are assaulted by the self-proclaimed Mexicans as the Tucson City Police Officers stand by and watch. See how these mini-terrorists handlers try and keep them in control. Want to see what is now the modern America?
Posted by
Russ Dove
9:01 AM
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona pt2
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona pt2
This is our third week and those who claim this land as theirs were not happy. Watch as Americans are assaulted by the self-proclaimed Mexicans as the Tucson City Police Officers stand by and watch. See how these mini-terrorists handlers try and keep them in control. Six show up to hackle and then they leave; they will return as 50 in Part 2.
Posted by
Russ Dove
9:00 AM
Jobs Americans just won't do!
An ICE agent speaks at a California Truckers Association Union meeting in San Diego, CA on 03/28/07.
Please go
and educate yourself of what's really happening!
Why are we paying all these people to wear uniforms if they aren't doing anything?
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:11 AM
Monday, March 26, 2007
Christie Czajkowski In Tucson Arizona on 02-24-07
Christie speaks to a Free Romas and Campean Protest in front the Federal Court Building in downtown Tucson, Arizona. She talks about the problems in America today and shares the way to solve them.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:35 AM
Arizona Examiner w/ Joe Sweeney and Russ Dove - pt1
Part 01 covers the leadership of the MinuteMen movement, Truth vs Deception, the Arizona(National) Republican Party Split [the Democratic Party is just as Split] and about Freedom. Recorded Live 03-22-07 on Public Access Cable TV.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:34 AM
Arizona Examiner w/ Joe Sweeney and Russ Dove -- pt2
Part 02 covers the aspects of a psychopath verses a sociopath, government agents appease the Mexican invasion/occupation and how this is psychopathic activity.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:34 AM
Arizona Examiner w/ Joe Sweeney and Russ Dove -- pt3
Part 03 covers how government agents turn major issues into minor issues and minor issues into major issues; we are created to serve, self or others; the history of the last four presidents of uSA/Mexico and the corruption in government. Recorded Live 03-22-07 on Public Access Cable TV.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:33 AM
Arizona Examiner w/ Joe Sweeney and Russ Dove -- pt4
Part 04 covers is it time to slow down the corporations, a justice government, the absolute rebellion of the youth in America, what is a wetback-deserters and in God's Eyes; Why? Recorded Live 03-22-07 on Public Access Cable TV.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:33 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Minutemen Raids
Fox Report of the recent raids on Minutemen in San Diego. Featuring Christie Czajkowski.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:44 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Russ Dove and Roy Warden Put Tucson On Notice - addendum 03
Russ questions the current lawless path the Tucson City Government is on and suggests the repeal of the 11th Amendment. Roy turns his back on the Tucson City Council and speaks to the people.
Posted by
Russ Dove
2:24 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona pt1
Some good points by Roy Warden and his subsequent arrest . . . More evidence of the effort of in-land-puppets-of-Mexico in positions of lawful power acting unlawfully to silence the Voice Of Truth In America!
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:40 PM
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona pt2
Some good points by Russ Dove . . . Freedom is blind and Freedom is not Free! All are welcome to join US in this fight for Freedom!
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:38 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007
Communists Invaders Declare War On US-Spanish Translated pt1
In Rudy Garcia Park, Tucson, AZ they call for: an immediate end to all raids, kidnappings, deportations, and murders of our people! The release of all migrant prisoners and the dismantling of all immigration detention centers! And end to border militarization! We call for the withdrawal of all border patrol, homeland security, and armed forces from the US-Mexico border! I was there to tell them we were not interested in their demands and not going to stand for their invasion. This press conference was put on in English and Spanish. These two parts are the Spanish only. These four parts are from the same event.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:52 PM
Communists Invaders Declare War On US--Spanish Translated pt2
In Rudy Garcia Park, Tucson, AZ they call for: an immediate end to all raids, kidnappings, deportations, and murders of our people! The release of all migrant prisoners and the dismantling of all immigration detention centers! And end to border militarization! We call for the withdrawal of all border patrol, homeland security, and armed forces from the US-Mexico border! I was there to tell them we were not interested in their demands and not going to stand for their invasion. This press conference was put on in English and Spanish. These two parts are the Spanish only. These four parts are from the same event.
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:52 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Communists Invaders Declare War On US -- pt 1
In Rudy Garcia Park, Tucson, AZ they call for: an immediate end to all raids, kidnappings, deportations, and murders of our people! The release of all migrant prisoners and the dismantling of all immigration detention centers! And end to border militarization! We call for the withdrawal of all border patrol, homeland security, and armed forces from the US-Mexico border! I was there to tell them we were not interested in their demands and not going to stand for their invasion. This press conference was put on in English and Spanish. These two parts are the English only; the Spanish version with translations will be posted soon.
Posted by
Russ Dove
2:14 PM
Communists Invaders Declare War On US -- pt 2
In Rudy Garcia Park, Tucson, AZ they call for: an immediate end to all raids, kidnappings, deportations, and murders of our people! The release of all migrant prisoners and the dismantling of all immigration detention centers! And end to border militarization! We call for the withdrawal of all border patrol, homeland security, and armed forces from the US-Mexico border! I was there to tell them we were not interested in their demands and not going to stand for their invasion. This press conference was put on in English and Spanish. These two parts are the English only; the Spanish version with translations will be posted soon.
Posted by
Russ Dove
2:14 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Roy Warden and Russ Dove In Downtown Tucson, Arizona
Five Americans showed up and many passed by and thanked us for being there doing what we were doing at the first weekly open air public meeting. We have invited the public or anyone to step up and speak during these meetings. We also had what those in San Diego call goons, although they were unorganized. Three Americans spoke, one of them in Mexanish, Roy is the only one speaking in this clip. Then we burn a flag of Mexico.
Posted by
Russ Dove
2:57 AM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Morones: We don't want amnesty because it implies a crime.
Idiotic Pro-illegal alien activist says on his radio show that he doesn't want amnesty because it implies that a crime was commited. For him, being hungry gives you permission to break the law!
Posted by
Russ Dove
3:26 PM
AMERICANS Of All Colors Are Rising To The Call!
PRO-AMERICAN James Spencer Speaks Out!
Posted by
Russ Dove
3:22 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007
Christie On The Corruption Of The SDPD Pt.1
Christy discussing the corruption under the color of the law! A justifiable testimony against men and women of the San Diego Police Dept. who violate our REPUBLIC with cover up and an abuse of power! RIGHT ON CHRISTY!
Posted by
Russ Dove
11:48 PM
Christie Speaking On The Corruption Of The SDPD Pt.2
Part 2 of Christy continuing on the corruption (and believe me! It's there!) of the San Diego Police Department, and the harrassment of her, along with the theft of her personal property! A very courages woman with a RED, WHITE, and BLUE heart!
Posted by
Russ Dove
11:48 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Arizona Election Wars: Pima County
Powerful letter by Tucson, Democratic Attorney Bill Risner to the County Manager on what's been going on with elections in Pima County. Set to a powerful song 'My Vote Don't Matter Anymore' Written and performed by Victoria Parks. For over 2 years we have been investigating Pima Co Election Department and we don't like what we're have found. They have illegally been printing of election results up to 8 days before the election using the mail in early ballots. This has been going on since the primary of 2004. We know how the backdoor works with the GEMS/Diebold system and how it could be easily hacked using MS-Access. A lawsuit was filed shortly after letter was sent.
Posted by
Russ Dove
7:42 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
This video was posted by rwbthru1 out of the Southern California area. The video clip shows a handful of Loyal Americans protesting in land puppet of Mexico LA Mayor La ValiLaRaza. One of the most fearless Americans I know Christie Czajkowski writes a message to the mayor and all other invaders - GO HOME! As the majority of the invaders are from Mexico it is only right that they are the focus of the Truth.
Posted by
Russ Dove
8:55 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Roy Warden and Russ Dove Put Tucson On Notice - addendum 02
Roy alerts the Tucson City Council to upcoming protests planned for the Tucson Downtown area. Lets them know that our investigation of them will start soon and dares them to try and stop him/us. Russ thanks them for listening to the people, alerts them to the new voice of the silent majority and how we will use modern technology to empower the court of public opinion. This testimony entered into the record March 6, 2007 at the Tucson City Council weekly meeting in Public Comments.
Posted by
Russ Dove
11:45 PM
Rob B. and Ron L. Join In On Putting Tucson On Notice
Rob Blizzard puts the Tucson City Council on notice that they will not get away with again just talking about Voter Access for those who are handicapped. Ron Manzi asks how the Tucson City Attorney could allow rich people to go free on injury related alcohol caused automobile accidents; Ron suggests that the best thing they could do is to fire the the whole lot of them. This testimony entered into the record March 6, 2007 at the Tucson City Council weekly meeting in Public Comments.
Posted by
Russ Dove
11:45 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A Case To Create The Christie Czajkowski Defense Fund
If we do not support Christie and lose this battle it will make all future battles far more difficult! Please do something today to insure Christie's safety and ability to continue her work video-logging the invasion/occupation of Southern California. Thank you for your time and consideration of this request and for all you do for True Freedom Fighters Like Christie Czajkowski. Get the FACTS and the how you can HELP at
Posted by
Russ Dove
7:35 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Roy Warden and Russ Dove Put Tucson On Notice - addendum 01
Roy Warden asks why no one tried to enforce the Tucson City Court Order concerning his protest in front of the Federal Court Building on Sat. 02-24-07, armed. Roy also puts the council on notice of future protests in and around the Tucson/Pima County Government/Business Downtown Complex. Russ Dove asks for a working together against the greater enemy we all face, corporations ~vs~ City Government and the printed lies in and censorship at the Tucson, Arizona Daily Star.
Posted by
Russ Dove
7:49 AM
TruthBrigade CENSORED Again!!!!!!!
Looks like TruthBrigade kicked their asses again, now it's your turn!
~George Orwell I suppose we could look closer at the owners of youtube and basically all media which would lead us to the basic principal of the wars we are in... "By disinformation we shall wage war."
~mossad So here we are in 2008 where telling a lie and repeating it over and over (thanks for the heads up, Hitler) is acceptable and commonplace, but telling the truth will get you imprisoned, fined and ostracized at best. We have an (s)election tomorrow where we have a choice between two mind controlled drones that will both tell you that censorship is good for us...after all, it protects potential hate against the perceived underdog. They will both tell you that we need to leave our borders open for more slave labor because it's good for the economy. They will both tell us that bankrupting Americans, outsourcing our jobs and bailing out foreign corporations is good for our economy and that slavery is necessary...what country do they represent???
Certainly not the republic we once knew and loved. Let us not forget that the head of our so called homeland security is a DUAL CITIZEN!!! What country do you think he pays his allegiance to? We are headed to a socialist dictatorship and no one knows one except of course the people getting deleted off youtube and myspace in essence, it is better that they censor those who know, so the sheeple don't see them coming for the slaughter. It's better to go about our day and vote for the same old republicans and democrats because after all, they said if you vote for them AGAIN, they will save you! They promised to stimulate the economy by giving you free money, then a job at walmart. Maybe it's better that people keep living their lives in the dark and the 'authorities' keep censoring people like me, filing repeated false reports and investigations, conducting false unlawful raids on my home and stealing my property (evidence of their crimes) while sending hitmen after me and stalking me and my children all the way across the country for the rest of my life...after all, it's just little old me screaming that something isn't right, so I must be wrong... Everyone would be better off if they didn't hear the truth about the country we live in...everything would be all right if I just shut my mouth, right? Well damn it all to hell, I will keep screaming and I will keep fighting! I want to know, where are you? How long are you going to sit back and let a girl go fight the big dogs??? My 9 and 11 year old daughters have done more for this country than 90% of the sheeple out there that continue to bend over and beleive the lies. Tomorrow is where the people are going to believe that they are electing our new representation and that things are going to change. Tomorrow is the day that IF our vote counted we would actually have a chance at change.
You know what you are doing is wrong, but you do it anyway for the party lines!!! If we all voted 3rd party and not wasted our vote, we would at least send them a message that we are not buying their game. Don't be afraid to do what's right and speak out!!! Your children need you, your grandchildren need you!!! Is this what our vets have fought for??? Grow a backbone and stop sitting on the sidelines falling for their lies! Start realizing that it IS YOUR FAULT we are in this position!!! It is your fault for doing nothing more than reading and spreading around a few emails a day. It is our DUTY to take our country back and assert our rights! So tomorrow when you go to the polls thinking you are doing your duty as a good American, think about it before you listen to those idiots telling you to vote a part line...VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT and TRY A REAL CHANGE!!!
What Are People Saying About Christie Now?
Thank You Crissy Also please pray light of protection around Crissy
U.S. Constitution Citizen Enforcement
BlogTalkRadio CENSORS TruthBrigadeRadio
TruthBrigade Radio Headlines and Updates!
Christie Czajkowski (TruthBrigade) has a New Video Hosting site!
YouTube decided to delete my existence again without any warning or response to my inquiry. This is the 5th time they have erased me and proven to the world that they do not allow free speech.
I have not violated any of their guidelines and all my videos were my own copyrighted material. This has cost me literally thousands of hours of work again so I apologize if my blogs are a bit behind in re-uploading the new video codes to all 800 of them on my various sites.
You can now find my videos at
I will get as many up there as humanly possible to not deny America the TRUTH of what is going on in the issues they try to hide from you!
In each of my sites, I have exposed corruption at the local, state and federal level…no wonder they are so quick to pull the plug on me. Is it a surprise that the same people that own the media own google/youtube?
I apologize for any inconvenience for the loss of videos on my blogs, newsletters and sites. Feel free to write google/youtube a letter and ask why they deny me the same right as the rest of the users who post porn, racism, violence and flat out lies! My usernames have been:
LLC901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Google also said that our site was too dangerous to have adwords/adsense on our pages so we are not generating any revenue towards the cost of our sites. If you would like to donate so we can get that paid for and possibly add our own video hosting, please do so at TruthBrigade.Org! Any amount is greatly appreciated and helps us continue our efforts in bringing you the TRUTH!
It has come to my attention that my stalkers have been contacting most of our radio guests, youtube and myspace friends and subscribers. I have taken legal action and would appreciate if you would forward any attempts by these people to contact and threaten you as well to Some of the lucky people have had phone calls to their homes at 6 AM in an effort to stalk me while admitting they were filing more false reports to law enforcement stating they "had to destroy me" because I was not "one of them." Please ignore them so you will not become another one of those victims and contact law enforcement immediately in your area! If you need more information about this, please contact me at your convenience. These are agent provocateurs set in to destroy any successful and informed patriot organizations who are determined to create race wars on the street. Although they claim to be law-abiding, my videos show different...I would like to know why law enforcement is still allowing them to go around terrorizing innocent victims all over the country, including shooting people IN Mexico and even shooting at me...?
Important Changes
I am sorry to announce that I must cut back on the time on the show due to changes in my personal life. After many months of 30+ hours per week live on the air in addition to the time involved to obtain the most spectacular guests and research necessary, I regret it is necessary to limit the days and times of our show in order to maintain our high quality standards and most inclusive and educational environment we have been able to offer you. I will now be doing 3 live shows per week and will continue to send you the updates. Please note our new time and check the calendar for events and upcoming shows.
Please take time to go through the articles in our FREE SPEECH forum and comment where you can also listen to our over 400 hours of archives and watch our hundreds of videos. No matter what part of the country you are in, you are sure to find something to get involved with in your community At TruthBrigadeRadio.Com. Please share the information and post your events so we can continue to bring people together for the good of our country!
I need your help spreading the information! Knowledge is power! It is of utmost importance that we all band together in our nations time of crisis. We need to hold our public servants accountable for their failure to uphold our Constitution! Take your cities back one criminal at a time!
Join the Granny Warriors'
· The Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security VIDEO
· Bob Barr: Gun Ownership A Freedom Under Bill Of Rights
· Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State
· Ashcroft says Patriot Act protects U.S. freedoms
· Psychologist discusses covert CIA mind experiments
· Hispanic Congressmen Demand Corporate Action Against CNN Host
· Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed
· Alpharetta deploys car with plate reader
· Spy Grid Part Of Consumer Technology
· The U.S. Role in Haiti's Food Riots
· Buffett and Munger reassure shareholders about succession
· Metals - Gold slumps To Three Month Low Close To $850/oz As Dollar Strengthens
· Review Of The Coming Military Draft
· How The World Was Misled About Global Warming And Now Climate Change
· Cell Phones And General Cancer Info - Ask Nurse Olivia
· Asians Put Foot In Racial Spoils Trough
· Dyncorp Used Armored Car To Transport Prostitutes in Iraq
· Seeing Is Believing 5: Video BBC Jumps The Gun On Building 7 Collapse
· San Diego GOP chairman co-founded international piracy ring
· D.C. Madam found dead in mother's Fla. home
· Learn How and Why You Are Being Screwed, Illegals are only part of it
· 545 People
· Courts Rule It's OK To Lie To The Sheeple Through The Media
· National DNA Warehouse Bill Passes, Are We Ushering in the Eugenics of 20
· ALERT: "Final Solution" For Health Products In Canada
· Is the CIA behind the China-bashing Olympics protests?
· US-British Leaders Swear Allegiance To Pope As England Destroyed
Top Downloaded Archives Or click here for all!
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Amy Philo-Fight Back Against Forced Drugging! TruthBrigade on The EDGE AM (forward to 35 minutes)
Fathers for JusticeJohn Nicholson-Conspiracy Busters Illegal Immigration Debate Richard Diaz from Illness Defined on the effects of heavy metals Paul Davis, Freedom Warrior! Illegal Immigration: Playing both sides Martin Hill AV 911 Truth & Freedom Fighter Susie from Subie Sisters LIVE TruthBrigade Lives! A homecoming... CIA murder, mind control and torture with Robert Duncan O'Finioan!
Don't drink the water! Bob Doe Returns to explore World Wide Socialist Movement
Terry Hayfield and the Permanent Revolution and Political Fusion Lt. Eric Shine Whistleblower Nurse Olivia: Vaccinations
Nurse Olivia on Psychiatry! CPS Profits from LEGAL child abduction! Medical Industry Expose!
Eric Gallagher, Author of Rainbow Warriors MinuteMom Bares All! Who Killed JFK on TruthBrigade Radio!
No matter what you believe on any single issue, the fact is that our country is dying!
It is time to WAKE UP and work TOGETHER for the good of our NATION!!!
The knowledge is there now what are you going to do with it???
It is time to stand up and take our country back!!!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.": Gandhi
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
George Orwell
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11
"And he shall causeth all great and small to receive a number on his hand.That no man may buy or sell without the mark on his hand or forehead."
"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (1891)
Theodore Roosevelt
"I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you WILL have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world."
John 16:33
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence,and toughness multiplies toughnessin a descending spiral of destruction...The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate,wars producing more wars -- must be broken,or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.-- Albert Einstein.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
The Team.