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We are driven to bring you a higher level of truth, we will not stop or be stopped; but we need your help to continue. Donations are needed, but we have many items available for your donations. We have USCE T's and Hats, White Meat T's and Hats, Books, Playing Cards, Cures for Dis-ease's, Moods and 1,400+ hours of (free)Archives; one of the broadest looks at the real world we live in today available anywhere. Please, consider making a donation. Let's all keep TruthBrigade Radio, FREE, and ON THE AIR! |
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Posted by
Russ Dove
11:31 PM
STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..." TYPE="application/x-oleobject">
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Posted by
Russ Dove
11:18 PM
Labels: censorship truth freedom loss of liberty shadow government
Christie Czajkowski Talks About The Border & More Pt1 - See more videos here
Christie Czajkowski Talks Pt 2 - See more videos here
Christie gave this interview in late July or early August of 2007. Part two of two parts.
Justice ~ Bound & Raped - See more videos here
This video is about what is happening Tucson Arizona. The same things are happening to all Americans who dare to stand against the corruption!
Posted by
Russ Dove
1:04 PM
You can see her work from the TruthBrigade Links in the 'People Who Get It!' area towards the bottom of the page in the right column.
An Introduction
A simple glimpsie into the life of Christie Czajkowski asking the question; why are the males in the secure the border movement attacking her or refusing to provide equal treatment with her male counterparts in their lack of support or even recognizing the harm caused by the unlawful actions of the SDPD and City Government.
YouTube Preview Frame
Video posted to Blogger
The video shows in the preview, but it seems to be broken when I publish it. I am going to leave it for now and work on another solution. Censorship is a very dangerous thing. When the Truth becomes the thing to hide and no one cares; you have to ask yourself are you really free?
noted 12:08AM 11-13-07
Hosted on another server.
Find more videos like this on truthinaction
If none of these work you can view this video at
Here are some of her interviews. If you are ready to include a women's perspective on the problems and solutions facing America Today, something that most of the leadership(male) avoid; this is the Lady to listen to!
To Be Continued . . . ;~)>
All of the videos in this Blog that were hosted on YouTube.com/Sov777 are no longer available. YouTube.com suspended my Channel with out notice, comment or response to my inquiries concerning why.
Christie Czajkowski talks about the SDMM leadership and the state of affairs on the border.
Posted by
Russ Dove
2:07 AM
Labels: censorship
Cheryl Cox was running for mayor against the incumbent Steve Padilla. She held a series of community meetings so we decided to go ask her what she thought about the issues in the City school district since she boasts she's been involved in education for moire than 35 years in the city.
Video by Christie Czajkowski.
Posted by
Russ Dove
7:51 PM
My kids have been having a little trouble at sc...
My kids have been having a little trouble at school so my 8 year old let me interview her on camera to talk about the situations she has to deal with.
Video by Christie Czajkowski.
Posted by
Russ Dove
7:50 PM
Click here to make a donation.
Join Us This Coming Week as we continue down the rabbit hole >>>
February 25, 2008 ~ Court Watchers
http://thecourtwatcher.com/ "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive," "of the Right of the People," "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." "In Humble terms," not attorney babble. It is your right and duty as a Court Watcher to hold all Judges accountable for the fraud. "Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." "Home of the free, because of the BRAVE." Learn more here: http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=516.msg749msg749 ______________________________ February 26, 2008 ~ Terry Hayfield and the Permanent Revolution and Political Fusion Part 2 http://www.americancounter-revolution.com/ Terry is a political researcher who has been exposing vote fraud and the existence of the "permanent revolution." Listen to Part 1 here! http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=459.msg650msg650 Learn more here: http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=462.msg653msg653 ______________________________ February 27, 2008 ~ Robert Duncan O'Finioan: Child abuse, mind control, torture and assassinations! Part 2 http://www.wintersteel.com/RobertDuncanOFinioan.html JRobert Duncan O'Finioan was part of... Project Talent- the finding and testing of children for high paranormal abilities. They found him in 1966, when he was six years old. Project Phoenix- hit teams, the training of people to be assassins. Ultimate Warrior Project- The super solider turned in to the ultimate physical weapon. Listen to the archives of his last show! http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=410.0 Learn more here: http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=554.msg796msg796 ______________________________ February 28, 2008 ~ Nurse Olivia: Vaccinations http://redpillreich.blogspot.com/ Vaccinations, are they beneficial to our overall health? We are told we need to have them, even forced by judges and schools. Nurse Olivia will return for another round of eye opening boggle your mind entertainment/education!!! Listen to her last shows here! Olivia on Psychiatry ~ http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=466.0 Medical Industry Expose! ~ http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=348.msg470#msg470 Learn more here: http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=612.msg884msg884 ______________________________ February 29, 2008 ~ Bob Doe Returns to explore World Wide Socialist Movement http://www.discoverthenetwork.com/Thinkmap%20SDK%202.5%20Standard%20Edition/webapp/tm-1ver/index.asp?keyword=Ford%20Foundation (give this page some time to load and then wander through the halls of Communism in America Today!) Our secret handshake globalist friend Bob Doe, also known as Agent X will make a debut!! LEARN THE INNER WORKINGS OF THOSE THAT CONTROL US!!! You thought you knew what was going on...? Once you stop learning, you start dying...fall down the rabbit hole with us! Listen to his past archive here!!! Communist Infiltration in America by Agent X! - http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=2.msg2msg2 Learn more here: http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?topic=385.msg522msg522 ______________________________ http://TalkShoe.com/tc/11887 Talkcast ID: 11887 Time: 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST Call in: Dial: (724) 444-7444 Enter: 11887 # (Call ID) Enter: 1 # or your PIN |
TruthBrigade Radio Show Audio/Video Clips
Communist Infiltration Part 1 |
Communist Infiltration Part 2 |
Communist Infiltration Part 3 |
Communist Infiltration Part 4 |
Communist Infiltration Part 5 |
Communist Infiltration Part 6 |
Gina-Organized Stalking - pt1 |
Gina-Organized Stalking - pt2 |
R. D. O'Finioan-MKULTRA |
Where to from here? |
What's going on? |
Rainbow Warrior |
CPS Corruption |
CPS-Legal Child Abduction |
Dean Santoro for Congress pt 1 |
Dean Santoro for Congress pt 2 |
Introducing Noe Aleman |
The Truth Will Make You Free |